Thursday, March 15, 2007

If you aren't aware of the current Attorney General Gonzales (the former Bush attorney) controversy, or even if you are, read this, as you should be.

Republican says Gonzales should be fired

WASHINGTON — A Senate Republican is calling for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' **(bush's former white house councel aka defense attorney of the white house) dismissal as Democrats weigh subpoenaing President Bush's top aides in the escalating political furor over the firing of eight federal prosecutors.

Some of the dismissed prosecutors complained at hearings last week that lawmakers tried to influence political corruption investigations **(basically means republican politicians called prosecutors to try to influence who and what they prosecuted (i.e. bribrary, campaign finance laws, federal violations of the Patriot Act, etc)...** Several also said there had been Justice Department attempts to intimidate them.
E-mails between the Justice Department and the White House, released Tuesday, contradicted the administration's earlier contention that Bush's aides had only limited involvement in the firings. **(They lied under oath and then were caught red handed with emails proving they lied under oath.. Ha!)**

**(The following is their defense... it is customary for presidents to fire all people when the take office, a "cleaning of house".. it is not common, however, to do it mid term during a debate and in the mist of prosecutions that affect the current administration. Basically they are firiing prosicutors based on purely political motives.)**
U.S. attorneys are the federal government's prosecutors and serve at the pleasure of the president. They can be hired or fired for any reason, or none at all.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., predicted Wednesday that Gonzales would soon be out.
"I think he is gone. I don't think he'll last long," Reid said in an interview with Nevada reporters. Asked how long, Reid responded: "Days."
Republicans came to Gonzales' defense.
"I don't believe the attorney general should resign over this," said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H. "I don't believe his ability to pursue the terrorist threat has been compromised to the extent that he should resign."


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